International Student Application
Please complete the following application carefully & completely. Any spelling errors in name or address may carry over to your I-20 and may delay your M-1 Visa at the U.S. Consulate in your jurisdiction. We reserve the right to require any student's withdrawal at any time for violating any GPA policy or procedure or for violating any local, state, or federal law.
By registering, you are responsible to become familiar with and abide by the general regulations and conduct rules. Rules of conduct are outlined in our Student Policy Manual and our Safety Policy & Procedures.
By completing the application and submitting it:
You CERTIFY that all of the information given on this application is complete and accurate.
You UNDERSTAND AND AGREE that any misrepresentation of facts may result in the immediate cancellation of my registration and my credit(s) earned.
You UNDERSTAND AND AGREE that you will be bound by the GPA’s Student Policy Manual and Safety Policy & Procedures manuals and all federal, state, and local regulations.
You UNDERSTAND AND AGREE to provide proper documentation to support your International Student Application.
You UNDERSTAND AND AGREE that any failure to provide the required documentation will result in a delay in my admissions process.
You CERTIFY that you will abide by GPA’s Drug & Alcohol Policy that requires the applicant to pledge not to possess, sell, purchase, deliver, use, manufacture or distribute illegal drugs or controlled substances while present on the campus or in attendance at any GPA sponsored event.